Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival Quick Draw

Ready, set, GO! You have one hour to create an original piece of art that is not only beautiful but it also will be auctioned off fifteen minutes after you finish. Could you do it? Some of us, including myself, lack that artistic ability; however, on September 20th during the Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival, thirty artists gathered on a rainy morning and showcased that time is not a factor in the annual Quick Draw.
I grabbed a warm cup of hot coco and began to check out the artists as they prepped their stations and waited anxiously for it all to begin. Each artist can choose their masterpiece idea and medium beforehand; however, they have only one hour to create their artwork. After time is called, they have fifteen minutes to mount and frame their artwork and deliver it to the auction tent. On the auction floor, their artwork is auctioned off to many adorning fans anxiously waiting for their favorite artist’s work from the Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival.
A crowd favorite Amy Ringholz jammed away to her music as she created a unique portrayal of a jackrabbit in a rainbow of brilliant colors. Some artists worked with previous art they had created and others with a photograph. Greg Woodard created his sculpture using a live falcon as a very active model. A majority of the artwork was of regional landscapes and animals native to the mountain west that characterize the western art movement.
The hour seemed to slip away quite fast as I made several circles around the artists watching the evolving canvases and sculptures. My favorite part of the Quick Draw was to pick a few artists at the beginning and watch closely their creative process. The art changed drastically each time I circled around so I was always surprised. Soon time was called and the artists quickly began framing their art for the live auction.
The trick with the art auction is getting good seats; however, you can sneak over to the tent during the Quick Draw and place a jacket to reserve some seats. As soon as everyone settles in, the auction begins. The first auction is a painting titled, ‘Recon’ by the featured artist, Greg Beecham depicting a pack of wolves in the morning light.
The Quick Draw is an excellent way to see a more in-depth creative process during the Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival of all the local artists that are sprinkled throughout galleries in town. In the auction people can buy a painting or sculpture for their house that is not only beautiful but a great conversational piece.
Bottom line: The Quick Draw inspires me to take an art class or two and is an exciting event to take in during the Jackson Hole Fall Arts Festival.

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